BIS PALANGA +370 616 26508
BIS TENERIFE +34 922 975 701
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- About School | BIS Tenerife
About School School's values and education is based on positive education methods. We seek not only to improve children's knowledge and skills, but also develop children emotional well being, social responsibility and health. Education programmes are adapted to strengthen the self-confidence and authentic behaviour. We assist children to develop their strengths, foster the ability to regain their powers and recognise the rhythm of their personal development. Special attention is devoted to emotional intelligence education, a social and emotional education programme "Dramblys" (An Elephant) is embedded at school. We follow principles of healthy lifestyle and diet. The school is established on the shores of the ocean, have outside classes and inside yard to play, thus the children most of the day spends outside We believe, that we succeed when school's management are united around the idea that the well being of children is as important as academic achievements, which fostered by inviting the whole school's community to support the idea. PERMA model (Dr. Seligman, 2011) - five elements of goodness and used in all schools of positive education - is used to engage school's administration, teachers and parents: Positive Emotion: kindness, gratitude, hope, contentment are all positive emotions that contribute to the “pleasant life.” Engagement: engagement is about being totally absorbed (in the flow) by a present task where time and self- consciousness seem to cease. Relationships: strong positive relationships; we are “social beings” who need to connect with one another. Meaning: act local - think global - life comes from serving something that is bigger than self; altruism and philanthropy are good methods to establishing a meaningful life. Achievement: having goals and meeting those goals, improves your well-being and allows you to flourish. School is established in 2017; the founder - Institute of Positive Education Principal language - Lithuanian, English and Spanish is taught additionally Age of students - from 4 (pre-school, primary and secondary education) Day mode - from 09:00 till 15:00, Monday to Friday In classrooms no more than 12 children Ability to join the education process anytime during the school year Extra curriculum: "Žuviukai" ('Fishies', for 3 to 5 year old children), Lithuanian Saturday School LINGUA (for 6 to 14 year old children), Summer School (for 3 to 6 year old children) Uniqueness of the school children education is according the Lithuanian national preschool and primary education program, and teachers master an individual education method: each child has her/his own task as well in groups for projects; the teacher is as a moderator an important aspect of the education are children social and emotional abilities, their emotional intelligence learning is intensive, creative, without tension; lesson - clear, interesting, methodically grounded; workload and occupation - professionally evaluated and structured; education - child-centred according her/his abilities, achieving the highest individual performance classes are led/moderated not only by teachers, but also by students, parents, and our teachers-experts in Lithuania through the multimeda means on wide-screen monitor classes are interactive, full of games and communication. It is important that children would learn to speak properly, would love the language, would get to know different cultures.
- HOME | BIS Tenerife
BeFunky-photo (2) 1/7 Education of children based on the philosophy of positive education Ability to join anytime during the school year Steigėjas: Draugai: IMG_6888 IMG_2645 IMG_2836 2 d7334680-9df4-48e3-8bbe-b2d4812054d1 IMG_2798 5DE5D8FC-6A12-4F5E-B36C-48197C99E0DD 6BF34C13-DC77-4141-93CE-5B368AB4997A B284FA0A-CEE8-4839-AE29-392C9836821F Pozityvaus Ugdymo Institutas
- Team | BIS Tenerife
Tenerifės BIS komanda IRMA LIUBERTIENĖ Founder DORA KAROBLYTĖ Head of Education JURGITA MAMENIŠKYTĖ Preeschool JURGITA MAMENIŠKYTĖ ikimokyklinės klasės mokytoja RASA ARMAKAUSKIENĖ Primary AURELIJA KAVALIAUSKAITĖ antros klasės mokytoja SIGITA JURGILIENĖ trečios - ketvirtos klasės mokytoja AGNĖ POCIENĖ Sports ERNESTA SRIBIKYTĖ užsienio kalbų mokytoja GRETA KUPSTIENĖ Parents Council Palangos BIS komanda IRMA LIUBERTIENĖ mokyklos įkūrėja RAIMONDA STONCELYTĖ ugdymo vadovė antros klasės mokytoja VILMA PLAČAKIENĖ priešmokyklinės klasės mokytoja NIJOLĖ JUTIENĖ ikimokyklinės klasės mokytoja LUKA ŠVĖGŽDĖ anglų kalbos ir trečios klasės mo kytoja IRMANTAS MIKALONIS muzikos mokytojas
For children of 4-6 y. We aim to create conditions that help the child to meet natural and cognitive needs, to adapt more easely to the constantly changing envinronment, to develop an independent, self-confident, active child with cognitive motivation. In this group the game is the most important educational tool, which allows the child continuously to experiment, discover, change, make decisions, model and creatively interpret. National pre-school education program, also emotional intelligence, dance, theater, yoga, English and Spanish lessons are included. 1/1
- BIS Tenerife | BIS Tenerife
Educational Center for Lithuanian Community in Tenerife 2-6 m. vaikams Siekiame kurti sąlygas, padedančias vaikui tenkinti prigimtinius ir pažintinius poreikius, lengviau prisitaikyti nuolat kintančioje aplinkoje, ugdyti savarankišką, savimi ir savo gebėjimais pasitikintį, aktyvų vaiką, turintį pažinimo motyvaciją.
- PRICE | BIS Tenerife
Price List School year: (September - June) EUR 450/ month / child. Paid per semesters - i.e. EUR 2250 for September-January and EUR 2250 for February-June. 3 months: EUR 500 / month / child. Paid per trimester - i.e. EUR 1500 1 month: EUR 550 / month / child 1 week: EUR 150 / child. 1 day: EUR 60 / child ½ day: EUR 40 / child 1 lesson: EUR 15 / child (Lithuanian, English, Spanish, Theatre, Yoga, etc.) To reserve the place for your child/children, please fill in the form. Subscription fee - EUR 100 / child. Documents and inquiries should be addressed to e-mail: info@balticinternationalschool.com The possibility to join school for a shorter period than 3 months will depend on the vacancies at school. * A 10% discount will apply if more than one child will attend the school. For more information, please, refer to contacts.
- BIS Tenerife | BIS Tenerife
Edukacinis centras lietuvių bendruomenei Tenerifėje Primary Education: 1 - 4 grade Integrated primary curriculum and complementary comprehensive education. Compulsory subjects are according to the national program: main subjects (Lithuanian, Mathematics, Discover the World) and playful activities for comprehensive child education. Individual education, homework, art studio, games, dance, yoga for kids, English and Spanish Coordinated education plan with school in Lithuania, allowing continuous learning and evaluation Unconventional, integrated, virtual lessons, cognitive tours/visits Emotional intelligence Health training Secondary education: 5 - 12 grade For older students, we organise day-to-day education/training in a creative environment with our teachers-moderators, based in Tenerife, and distance learning with teacher-experts in Lithuania. We coordinate educational plans and evaluate the learning process for the given period.
- BIS Palanga | BIS Tenerife
Integruota gyva pradinio ugdymo programa kasdien nuo 9.00 iki 14.55 val. ir papildomas visuminis ugdymas. Privalomi dalykai pagal valstybės nustatytą programą: pagrindiniai dalykai (lietuvių k., matematika, pasaulio pažinimas) ir žaismingi užsiėmimai visapusiškam vaikų ugdymui. Galimybės daug laiko praleisti gryname ore, vandenyno bangų besiklausant.
- Summer school | BIS Tenerife
BIS Summer School Kviečiame į BIS CAMP vasaros stovyklas
Philosophy and values Baltic International School is focusing on positive thinking and values. The concept of positive education includes three components: child's academic achievement - so called traditional intelligence child's character building - social and emotional skills child's health It is close to holistic or integrated (wide-approach) education, when we see a single, indivisible image of a child, and each part is interrelated. Interestingly, educating the traditional intelligence does not necessarily develop the child's social emotional competencies, that is, getting good results,s/ he will not necessarily be able to deal with difficult feelings, difficult situations, and develop favourable relationships with other people, or be able to make the right decisions. Often, on the other hand, when faced with a more difficult situation or failure, such child, and later adult, find it difficult to lose, to leave the circle of perfectionism. However, if we see a common whole and equate our children with self-esteem, empathy, and social skills - academic results will gradually improve, and more importantly, satisfaction with them, motivation to learn, to strive for and to cope with failures, to recover. Positive education links the well-being of children (positive emotions, participation, positive relationships, meaningfulness and achievements, healthy behavior) with traditional education. Positive education develops the child's well-being and social responsibility. Positive educational methods are based on positive psychology, and its cornerstone is to help students develop their strong side, achieve the ability to quickly regain strength and nurture positivity. We emphasise the establishment of an emotionally safe environment, where the school nurtures a safe, child-oriented culture, high self-awareness, self-control and social responsibility, which determines not only quality of life, but also better learning outcomes. We observe how at ease children rejoin their studies and activities back in Lithuania. And experience in Tenerife encourages them to love and understand their roots even further. Travel helps to evaluate and nurture Lithuanian identity.
- About school | BIS Tenerife
About School School's values and education is based on positive education methods. We seek not only to improve children's knowledge and skills, but also develop children emotional well being, social responsibility and health. Education programmes are adapted to strengthen the self-confidence and authentic behaviour. We assist children to develop their strengths, foster the ability to regain their powers and recognise the rhythm of their personal development. Special attention is devoted to emotional intelligence education, a social and emotional education programme "Dramblys" (An Elephant) is embedded at school. We follow principles of healthy lifestyle and diet. The school is established on the shores of the ocean, have outside classes and inside yard to play, thus the children most of the day spends outside We believe, that we succeed when school's management are united around the idea that the well being of children is as important as academic achievements, which fostered by inviting the whole school's community to support the idea. PERMA model (Dr. Seligman, 2011) - five elements of goodness and used in all schools of positive education - is used to engage school's administration, teachers and parents: Positive Emotion: kindness, gratitude, hope, contentment are all positive emotions that contribute to the “pleasant life.” Engagement: engagement is about being totally absorbed (in the flow) by a present task where time and self- consciousness seem to cease. Relationships: strong positive relationships; we are “social beings” who need to connect with one another. Meaning: act local - think global - life comes from serving something that is bigger than self; altruism and philanthropy are good methods to establishing a meaningful life. Achievement: having goals and meeting those goals, improves your well-being and allows you to flourish. School is established in 2017; the founder - Institute of Positive Education Principal language - Lithuanian, English and Spanish is taught additionally Age of students - from 4 (pre-school, primary and secondary education) Day mode - from 09:00 till 15:00, Monday to Friday In classrooms no more than 12 children Ability to join the education process anytime during the school year Extra curriculum: "Žuviukai" ('Fishies', for 3 to 5 year old children), Lithuanian Saturday School LINGUA (for 6 to 14 year old children), Summer School (for 3 to 6 year old children) Uniqueness of the school children education is according the education program, and teachers master an individual education method: each child has her/his own task as well in groups for projects; the teacher is as a moderator an important aspect of the education are children social and emotional abilities, their emotional intelligence learning is intensive, creative, without tension; lesson - clear, interesting, methodically grounded; workload and occupation - professionally evaluated and structured; education - child-centred according her/his abilities, achieving the highest individual performance classes are led/moderated not only by teachers, but also by students, parents, our teachers-experts and practitioners. classes are interactive, full of games and communication.
- Ecucational Lithuanistic Center | BIS Tenerife
Educational Center for Lithuanian Community in Tenerife Lithuanian language, literature, poetry, theatre, music, sports, creative workshops with teachers and inspirational community leaders. Non-formal Educational Center in Tenerife for lithuanian community. Working hours: 9.00 - 15.00 Contacts: info@balticinternationalschool.com ; Tel.: +34603308769 Photos: 1/12