BIS PALANGA +370 616 26508
BIS TENERIFE +34 922 975 701
Philosophy and values
Baltic International School is focusing on positive thinking and values. The concept of positive education includes three components:
child's academic achievement - so called traditional intelligence
child's character building - social and emotional skills
child's health
It is close to holistic or integrated (wide-approach) education, when we see a single, indivisible image of a child, and each part is interrelated. Interestingly, educating the traditional intelligence does not necessarily develop the child's social emotional competencies, that is, getting good results,s/ he will not necessarily be able to deal with difficult feelings, difficult situations, and develop favourable relationships with other people, or be able to make the right decisions. Often, on the other hand, when faced with a more difficult situation or failure, such child, and later adult, find it difficult to lose, to leave the circle of perfectionism. However, if we see a common whole and equate our children with self-esteem, empathy, and social skills - academic results will gradually improve, and more importantly, satisfaction with them, motivation to learn, to strive for and to cope with failures, to recover.
Positive education links the well-being of children (positive emotions, participation, positive relationships, meaningfulness and achievements, healthy behavior) with traditional education. Positive education develops the child's well-being and social responsibility. Positive educational methods are based on positive psychology, and its cornerstone is to help students develop their strong side, achieve the ability to quickly regain strength and nurture positivity.
We emphasise the establishment of an emotionally safe environment, where the school nurtures a safe, child-oriented culture, high self-awareness, self-control and social responsibility, which determines not only quality of life, but also better learning outcomes. We observe how at ease children rejoin their studies and activities back in Lithuania. And experience in Tenerife encourages them to love and understand their roots even further. Travel helps to evaluate and nurture Lithuanian identity.